Altus Racing and ChevySpeed
General Discussion >> General Discussion >> A poll

Message started by robzridez on 07/09/06 at 21:46:37

Title: A poll
Post by robzridez on 07/09/06 at 21:46:37
OKay that didnt stir up any thing lets try this lets take a poll of sorts. I've been sort of disputing with another chevy speed member which cars of Altus are of legendary status, in other words what cars would the younger hotrodder I.E. high school students have been most likely to here tales of. Being the start off this topic I'll postmine in a week or so after others have posted there answer. To the other member in the dispute we'll let the members of chevy speed resolve this. So help us settle this, all you have to do is post a car/truck/motorcycle or several that you think would be "An Altus legend"

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/09/06 at 22:02:01
There are a lot of them to me. Just a couple to get things started...

Greg walkers truck.... That is what got me into drag racing.

Butch's Blue Big Block Nova.... The reason I now run big blocks and I remember after he out ran Jerry he put it on Channel 12 for sale as Altus' fastest street car.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by olcoe on 07/10/06 at 22:36:56

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/11/06 at 13:18:14
Those are on my list for sure!

There are so many to mention them all.
Let's turn this thread into a "Cars we remember the most" thread.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 07/11/06 at 20:43:37
I dont know if it would be fair to nominate you on rides but I would agree with the 55 its been around for years

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/11/06 at 23:13:54
Hey guys  I can remember alot of fast cars! Most of them you guys remember too. Luke Underwood's pickups sure were fast. Jimmy Wright's  purple Nova was real quick in its day. The red Valiant that Jim Ballentine built and Stan Cope ended up with was a real cool car. Walker's p/u was originally Scott Delzer's and won its share of races- beat the hell out of me once! The two-tone blue Chevy truck that Tim Collier built was quick also. I can think about several more that you guys are too young to know and many more that I am leaving out!  Anybody else?  More later....

Title: Re: A poll
Post by 84silverado on 07/12/06 at 23:53:37
well being only a couple years out of high school myself the cars that stood out as legends to me were john santiago's orange camaro, jack smileys blue nova and red chevelle, raddlebush's yellow nova, floyd young's white ranchero, and ive always heard stories of timmy smiths camaro.  im sure there are others that are quicker, these are just the ones i remember over the past couple of years.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/13/06 at 08:07:39
The white camaro will always be a legend. That thing is FAST and no one has more fun at the track than the guys from firestone!   ;D


Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/13/06 at 23:29:56
Timmy's car certainly was fast, but I thought we were talking about cars that saw the street and  the country roads! Floyd's car is fast and running well but I don't think he has any interest in streeting the Ranchero. I'm not raggin' on anybody's opinion but I thought Rob was talking about being legendary on the street. I can remember Chris driving his Nova from Snyder to United to work and back daily. Now that is a fast STREET car! How many of these other guys would do that?

Title: Re: A poll
Post by 84silverado on 07/14/06 at 00:27:51
well i guess all the guys i named off just didnt have to drive their hot rods everyday cuz they had a choice but if that was their only vehicle i bet they would drive it, just some opinions coming from me plus their really hasnt been much street racing around here the past couple of years with any cars that are extremely fast or that would be considered legends. out of all the people ive named jack smileys red chevelle is the only car ive seen come out and actually go drag someone on the street. i think most of the cars you would consider legends only run their cars at the track nowadays being it is the safest way to have fun with their cars.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/14/06 at 14:45:08
Street racing was such a blast back in the 80's and 90's very quick cars running side by side at cowlot!

It doesn't get better than that. Everything from two guys and two cars to over 150 people out there to watch. I think one time we had the entire High School out there when I raced a couple guys from the base. Wasn't very safe but it was fun!

I think the last pass I made at cowlot my car was running 7.50's in the 8th and that was pushing it. My last race was actually against jerry Laritson and we both got tickets.   ;D but they did knock it down from 120 in a 55 to 83 in a 55. Thanks!!! To top it off I had lost by a fender. But of course in my defense I was on my way to altus driving it from lawton. Those were the days!

Brian, Greg, David Jones,Mike Elkins, Don Cope and Me all skipping out at lunch to go race. I think I made at least 6 passes a day out there.  ;D Won some, lost some.

IMO once the cars hit sub 7.20's it was too fast for cowlot. Of course the highway is plenty safe but I wouldn't make a pass out there for fear of hurting someone else.

I have many memories and even more stories as everyone does about street racing in altus. Just ask me I could talk about it for hours. Or ask Timmy, he has a ton also!

I better do some work,


Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 07/14/06 at 21:12:35
Okay let me give you guys and example. When Brain Chris and I where in high school We had never seen the truck but we all had heard stories of it(weather or not you've seen it the vehicle is not important) but we had all heard stories of this really wicked truck that did a wheelstand in the Altus High School parking lot. This was Luke Underwood truck that was known as "The Junkyard Dog".As best I remember  the owner Luke died beforegraduting high school his parents put the truck away and for many years it was never moved until the family had I believe medical problems and were forced to sell it. I was then sold to Jerry with the understanding that it would be disassembled and would never be one piece again. Which I believe the people where cheated as he pulled the motor and sold them seperately and if I'm not misstaken the motor even ended up back in the truck. Last I heard Foley's owned it and it was renamed "The Possum" In my eyes that is the all time legendary altus vehicle. Now really what I'm looking for is really from the younger crowd before this site what cars were talked about. The story doesnt have to be as big as "The Junkyard Dog" just that they are still talked about. Was it Eddies 55 that was basicly a junkyard dog its self that was very fast and extremely tough(after all most of it survived Brianhehe no offence Brian)was it Scott/Greg's truck for being on of the fastest truck in Altus and was well known by the law was it Chris's nova how many motors where put into it and how many days did he not drive to school and was only beat a hand full of times at cowlot or what Elkins Blown Chevelle its the only blown car that I ever heard of being at the High school or was it none of these cars?

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/24/06 at 19:14:25
I guess to us legends are cars that were around years and years ago. I have been out of it too long to remember anyone newer. Floyds car is one nice looking car and is super fast. But I have never seen it on the street. (Probably since I have been gone from racing for so long) As far as sammy goes, he is the best drag race driver I have ever known and IMO the best in the sate. If I wanted to race every weekend I would be happy being not even a quater as good as he is. Again, his car is perfect and is fast as hell. But he doesn't drive it on the street and he wouldn't want to anyway. Same with floyd. If my car turned out half as nice as yours I would be happy. I don't think anyone here wanted to hurt anyones feelings but there are just certain cars people each think of as legends. Nothing against anyone else.

Butch and his friends have some KILLER cars but to me the baby blue nova he had always rules. Had I been driving or racing mine all these years I might have different opinions. That's why we are happy you put in your 2 cents. We need more opinions and no ones is wrong.

Everyone here probably has different opinions about there cars. Robs and mine will be close since we grew up together. The younger guys will think of other cars. The real drag racers will have there own.

Post up everyone! Let's get more opinions.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/24/06 at 19:19:51
Another legend IMO was Steve's red and black 442 from years and years ago. He just joind the site yesterday and still builds some badass cars.

I even got to see Jimmy Hall last week. When we first met I thought he was one of those guys that just talked a big talk. He drove a pretty sweet olds but when it came time to race me he went home and changed cars  ;D

That was my first defeat to a non chevy car!

Boy I learned my lesson quickly.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/24/06 at 19:29:52
One of these days I will have my car back so I can put the thing back together and join you guys!   ;D

I am happier to race mine a few times a year and take it to sonic and work a few times a year. Everyone has there own idea of what is fun is for them.

I did get out of cars all together for 8 years or so. (So you guys can dog me for that), but I do still run the same car I got 20 years ago.  ;D
I had things I had to take care of first. Now I can jump back in full blast!

I can honestly say ANYONE that races their car or even just loves it and drives it up town deserves respect. If nothing else, just for the hard hours of work they put in it.
There is always someone faster, always someone more consistent, always someone with a better looking car. But we can all keep trying!

I feel I don't have much room to talk till I have a car to talk about.




Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/24/06 at 21:46:29
Ok streetisez calm down! I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your Ranchero! You have forgotten more about racing and going fast than I will ever know.  Making sub 7 second passes naturally aspirated isn't easy. I personally think that street is easy and what you do is tough. Nailing the tree every pass and running that consistent -I have seen you race the last couple of weeks and the Ranchero ran within 6 or 7 one-hundreths every time-that isn't easy! I think that I said that you didn't have interest in driving around on the street. I don't remember saying anything that I meant to be offensive. Put street tires and mufflers on the Ranchero and cruise to Sonic and no one would take you lightly. I love anything that is fast- I don't care what it is. I'm just too ignorant to work on anything except a Chevy!  As far as a legend is concerned I think that it would be a car with extensive history. That doesn't mean they aren't fast as hell now!  There is Fairlane in Mangum that has been running in the 7's for probably close to two decades! That is more of a legend to me than most of the cars around Altus now.   Anybody else pissed off at me?

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/24/06 at 22:13:35
Not me!

I wasn't even sure what happened.

At least we got some posts going!

Keep up the posts guys.


I can't think of anyone here that doesn't have a badass car!  ;D

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/24/06 at 22:19:40
Maybe once I FINALLY get my car done we can plan a day at the track with everyone!

Rob, Monty, Brian, Steve, Sammy, Floyd, Michael, Trevor, Tim, The Smiths, Jack, Butch and anyone else from around here that wants to go!

Maybe we can even get Larry to go.

Now that would be a blast! And the main reason I want to get going again.


If I forgot someone you will be invited also!

Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 07/24/06 at 23:03:32
I am damn it but you probably dont care cuz i love givin you hell anyways.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/25/06 at 00:21:36
Well in your case I could care less if you were pissed at me! Ha Ha  Hey Floyd also I think that I was the first to mention Sammy on this site when he won a race earlier. Sammy is one of the nicest guys I know and nobody deserves every the success he gets more. I don't dog anybody and I only brag on other people's rides! I leave the crap talking for the people that think they have to prove something. I do what I like because I like it- not to impress or outdo or outrun anybody else.  Because of that attitude I will never have the fastest or nicest car around! I am perfectly alright with that. This car thing is fun and my friends are more important to me than that. You will probably never see my car go rounds of eliminations at the track or see it sitting at a car show- it wouldn't win either one. Like I said that stuff doesn't mean anything to me.  Any way enough of that. Is anybody ready for another cruise or something like it? I sure am!

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/25/06 at 09:04:29
Well said monty!

I am ready for a cruise myself.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 07/25/06 at 20:34:49
Okay class payattention we are going to go through this yet agaibn this is about "legendary cars of Altus"
To start with "of Altus" means the owner of the car lived in Altus "meaning the car was in Altus" or it could be the the car was driven in Altus. No where does it say anything about racing "on or off the track". I think we have the Altus part covered.

Now lets dicuss legendary

leg·en·dar·y (lĕj'ən-dĕr'ē)
Of, constituting, based on, or of the nature of a legend.see also legend

Celebrated in legend.
Extremely well known; famous or renowned.

leg·end (lĕj'ənd)

An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.
A body or collection of such stories.
A romanticized or popularized myth of modern times.
One that inspires legends or achieves legendary fame.

An inscription or a title on an object, such as a coin.
An explanatory caption accompanying an illustration.
An explanatory table or list of the symbols appearing on a map or chart.

No ALL I was trying to do here is find out what cars (OF SEVERAL YEARS BACK) are still talked about or known about by the kids in or fresh out of high school In other words lets here what  Micheal and Login have to say. I'm the same age as most of you guys I remember most of the cars. Floyd,Sammy,Montes cars are fast they are all nice but go talk about them in a different topic they have no bussiness in this topic as they have only been around 5years and that goes for my car to. This topic is not to agrue about racing it is to reminisce of the old cars. If this post makes anybody mad TOUGH. If you are mad in this topic you are banned from it(this topic) go be mad in another topic  ;D

And to prove its all about fun what about that real nice 66 mustang that supposedly back in to the automechanics biulding at the high school and Gary Paugh had to cut apart two mustangs to rebiuld it. How about that for a legand>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/25/06 at 21:14:56
WOW Rob!   First I know you aren't that educated in English! Second I didn't know that somebody would type definitions right out of the dictionary to be dsplayed on a website full of a bunch of gearheads!  All kidding aside it is just like the saying-beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This legend thing is the same way. Everybody has favorites and remembers things differently. I didn't realize that Underwoods p/u only ran 7.80's back in the day. That was with the big block and the blower on slicks! That info came from Floyd today. I  think somebody should come up with a way for all of us to get these things out and enjoy them and their owners more often.  I have had a blast the last couple of weeks at the dragstrip. Wish they would have two cruises a year. The cruise at Vernon isn't as fun for me.  Monte

Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 07/25/06 at 21:34:44
well Monte you say only 7.80's, I say wow thats real fast. I say that because look at what the big shots where running back then. What do you think about a big block FULL sIZE truck doing wheel stands with 30-40year old tech. Back then 7.80 was FAASSSSSTTTTTTTTTT. So I guess in the late 80 when Chris was running 8.20 was slow to then huh gee Chris I hate to break it to you but you had a slow car back then hehehehehe

Title: Re: A poll
Post by olcoe on 07/25/06 at 22:06:06
OK HOTRODERS! Heres something to scracth your heads about. You want to talk about legendary street cars? This car has been in the local area for the past 25 years. It was built as a low budget street car,was used for high shcool transportation,oh and also a work car driving 50 miles a day,then could go to cowlot and run with any car around.{ Lets just say its been one of the fastest cars around for 25 years,made plenty of guys spend money trying to outrun a little sbc,stock suspension car.} Just to mention it ran the orginal 350 for 13 years,and for the last 12 the same 406. The owner built this car with used {junkyard}parts. not like some of your 25-50,000 dollar street cars. If you figured this car out,think you will agree its the legendary street car. ::)

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/25/06 at 22:09:18
I have been beat by that car actually. I couldn't forget it if I wanted    ;D

Good to see some posts here.

Course your old truck would count also but I still can't believe it's the same truck   ;D


Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/25/06 at 22:11:04
another car I remember but it is not from altus....

Monty and the guys that race over at lawton will back me on this one.

Farmers Toy!

Nothing like pulling 5 gears in the 1/8th mile

Saw it last week, I can't BELIEVE it's an automatic now.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by olcoe on 07/25/06 at 22:16:06
Chris we need to get together sometime and I will give you some pictures and the video of the truck and the car to put on this site.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 07/25/06 at 22:17:57
hey Olcoe I thought we where talking about cool cars in this topic??????????? just playing  but since you brought it up..... why dont you explain to everyone here your speacial way to make a car jump straight up? also have many rearends did you go through in high school???

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/25/06 at 22:25:30
Farmers toy has been around quite a awhile. I only saw one pass the other night- a 6.09 pass!  Chris is right- that ol guy grabbin' gears- it didn't get any better than that!

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/25/06 at 22:35:13

I will be back on normal work hours by next week. Just yell at me anytime. Rob has my cell number. Need to just sit down and visit some more. Since we live so far apart we never see each other, hehe.

I am going to be posting some video of robs, and monty's car this weekend. Going to put up some old video from Floyds as well.

Great to hear from you!


Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/25/06 at 22:35:44
Also, got my axles today, they sure look too short to work   =)


Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 07/25/06 at 22:35:51
famrers toy is not an Altus legendary car
maybe a Jackson county legendary car

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/25/06 at 22:37:01
Who cares. Who made you message board Police?  ;D


Title: Re: A poll
Post by 84silverado on 07/26/06 at 03:11:41
well i guess it's kind of hard for me to bring up legendary cars since i havent been around that long lol i still stick with the ones that ive always heard of as being altus' finest and fastest not to say these are the only ones these are just the ones i have always "heard" about: that is smileys nova and chevelle, santiagos camaro (i think his is the one that started burning out on the dyno 2 years ago could be wrong though), and raddlebushes cars.  these were the people who were talked about for there cars being so called "legendary" at least these are the ones i remember from years past.    

olcoe,  are you the guy that has the baby blue older chevy and related to the guy that has the big block red 70's model truck i could be mistaken thought id ask

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/26/06 at 08:48:45
olcoe is an old school racer himself. Rob adn I went to high school with him.

Great guy and a great driver. He has built some killer rides. Him and his dad have one hella fast and sweet 55 that has been around forever.

When we met him he had an old grey and primer 67? longbed that sounded like it was missing and the tranny slipped. At the time greg walkers truck was probably the fastest car at the high school. One day at lunch olcoe wanted to race and we thought he was kidding. My two most vivid memories on that day was when he popped his hood and he had something he called an Oil Bath Air cleaner. (I had never seen one at that point) All I could see was there was no way that thing could get any air and I just laughed. My other memory of that day was when he put 2 or 3 car lengths on gregs truck.   ;D

His truck was beat up but cool and now IMO it is flawless. And a shortwide to boot.  ;D


Oh, and the 55 looks the same but just gets faster every year.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by slamed_89blazer on 07/26/06 at 15:39:16
hey guys sorry i havent been on here in awhile but michael told me to get on so here i am lol...anyways i didnt read this whole post cuz it looked to long but has anybody said timmy's camaro i know it hasnt been on the tha streets in a long time but i consider it a legend.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/26/06 at 19:17:22
To me that would be on my list for sure!!!!

Welcome back =)


Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 07/27/06 at 13:52:36
This thread is hilarious. I remember Farmers toy when he ran a 55 wagon with a 5 speed. Foley ended up with the Junk Yd dog. Ended up running low 7's before he passed away, he was a really good guy also. I have seen Smiths Camaro on the street a few times, with mufflers,  mid 6's, no nitrous, fast car. Jerry always had fast street cars, no matter what anyone thinks of him, there was always racing going on when he was here. Him and Jimmy Wright could stir up more shit than everyone else put together. I lived in Mangum, didnt get over here that much, but could always come over and find a race, either in Altus or at the dragstrip with Altus cars. For me, my wagon was the most fun car I ever had, didnt even own a trailer back then drove it everywhere, including serveral trips to OKC to do some street racing. It lost very few races, once to Jerrys orange 69 Camaro, I blew a head gasket on that race. I drove it to his garage, pulled the head off, replaced the gasket, put it back together in about 2 hours and went out and raced him some more. And then Stacy came over from Lawton with a Nova and beat me. It would run low 7's, lots of fun to play with.
p.s. 442Dude, do you remember racing me with the red 69 Buick Conv.?

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/27/06 at 20:21:28
Those days were fun!

My last Ticket racing ever was against jerry's orange camaro.

They knew what they were doing for sure!

Could really get people fired up for a race.


gitdowns I don't know how we never raced! Your stuff was always some of the fastest.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 07/27/06 at 23:13:08
another car to remember, Todd Walldroops 69 Chevelle, tilt front end, tunnel ram sticking through the hood, remember watching him and Jerry hook up on cow lot, Jerry was running the blue Nova. What about Winklers Chevelle? This being a military town, there have been lots of cars come through but never was around long. Another car recently that while it was a street car, wasnt out promoting people much, but was very fast was the red Mustang Jay had. It was a very fast car. Hers a good old racing story from the mid 70's. Kyle Watson had a 69 Camaro. He was at the broadway United parking lot with slicks on, knew something was going on. We stopped to check it out. He said he had a race later that night. When asked who he was going to race, he said the green Nova. We asked, you mean the one that is parked off Navajoe with the grass and weeds growing all around it? That was the one. About midnight we made our way to 3 miles east of 9 mile hill. Kyle was uncorking his car when the Nova got there on a trailer. First time I had ever seen the Nova moved from the back yard. It still had grass stuck to the slicks. They raced several times, the nova won the best I remeber, but was close and was extremely good races. That was the first time I had ever seen Larry. That was a night to remember.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by 84silverado on 07/28/06 at 03:30:03
after thinking about it i know i wasnt around but kyle and brenda had always told me about his camaro since i have been into that kind of stuff, i remember them telling me he wrecked it and thats what made him get out of it or something like that

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/28/06 at 08:26:50
That's a a great story. I had never heard that one.
Now that's what this thread is for!


How bout doug's blue 4 door chevelle? It's now red and still runs around town.

Seemed like I raced him ever 2 days while he was stationed here.   ;D

Title: Re: A poll
Post by n2o_user on 07/28/06 at 12:49:45
The red mustang ran 6.32 @ 112 on 10" tires with stock suspension and had power windows/doors, full interior and ttops. with 175 shot of nos. chevy powered of course

Title: Re: A poll
Post by slamed_89blazer on 07/28/06 at 13:50:10
i forgot sbout larry's green nova it looks nice now i drove it once with my dad like i think three years ago im not sure...but now its gettin a wicked ass motor put in it i dont remeber what it is but i know it bad tho.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/28/06 at 16:07:17
n2o_user: that's awesome!

Wish I could have seen it run.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 07/28/06 at 18:31:31
I always liked the Mustang. If anyone wants to see it, it is on the first page of Hot Rod Shack. It still looks good, even if it does have a ford engine now. It is still one of my favorite cars to come out of Altus and on of the fastest. I remember Kyle wrecking the Camaro, I think it was at the corner of Veterans and Broadway. I dont think Larry has done anything to the Nova that raced that night. He also has the Nova that Joey Click had. Jimmy Wright bought it from Joey, pulled the BB TH400 out and put in a 350 and glide. He wasnt happy with the way it ran, ended up trading it to Robby Hays, who then sold it to Larry. So now Larry has 2 green Novas.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/28/06 at 22:32:48
I assume we are talking about Larry Bornholdt. I believe he has three Novas! The nice one in storage and the two in his driveway. I bet the one he raced all those years ago is the one in the front of his drive. I think Larry still has the fat tired Camaro also. Does anyone remember the Camaro Darryl Schenk (Smith) had? He hung out a Kae Myers Mazda alot. It was white originally and later he painted it grey. I can remember Michael Maahs saying something about that car running in the nines- 1/8 mile! So slow nowadays.  Speaking of Michael Maahs I bet someone can remember the old Camaro that he built and fat tired himself. I don't know if it was all that fast but it sure looked cool! I can remember Neil Blackwell in high school working for Jeff at D&J speed Equipment. He had an old pickup that was supposedly fast but I never saw it run. Git downs maybe you can tell us if the chevyII that Freddie had was as fast as it was rumored to be? I wonder if the Maahs Bros. still have the yellow Dodge Darts they use to race?

Title: Re: A poll
Post by olcoe on 07/28/06 at 22:37:14
Monte, Just saw the pass u made. car runs sweet,looks good to. Nice job with a sbc.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/28/06 at 22:50:43
Thanks Brian   I sure would love to see both of yours sometime!  I can fit THREE cars on my trailer at once-hint hint!   Monte

Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 07/29/06 at 00:21:53
see this is more like it I guess the classroom lecture really paid off.

well my work here is done I'm off to save another topic,lol im a riot arent I

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 07/29/06 at 01:00:38
The Chevy II was very fast it its day. It had small bias ply tires and was very hard to beat. I was in Calif. and I know he had a blast with it. I dont remember the Camaro of Darrels, but remember him having an El Camino. In the late 70's we hung out at a gas station on the corner of Falcon and Main. Late at night there were alway hot rods around there. A spanish fellow worked there, I think his name was Joe, he had a Camaro. Jimmy Wright had his early Nova, Jerry had a 67 Z28, Kyle Watson had the Camaro, Clay Thompson had a Corvette,  there were other cars too, another spanish guy from Martha had 66-67 SS Chevelle. The Maahs Bros do still have the Darts. Mike built the Camaro as a show car, won lots of awards with it, I remember seeing a picture of it in Super Chevy magazine, when the had Super Chevy shows at Thunder Valley. Larry at J&N had a white Camaro that ended up with its picture in the mag also.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/29/06 at 01:29:02
I remember a few of those. I must haev just missed the others.

if anyone has old pictures of them I would be glad to scan them and post them.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by streetisez on 07/30/06 at 15:32:12
the red mustang runs 6.50s now with a ford motor & no nitrous . just a little slower than the chevy motor lol . :)

Title: Re: A poll
Post by streetisez on 07/30/06 at 16:46:25
maahs bros had 2 darts 1 yellow 1 red. every year thay say ther going to get them running agian. i wish thay would thay were cool cars. greg downs has a nice dart to . greg when are you going to get your street car running.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 07/30/06 at 19:05:59
I didnt know they painted one of them red. Marks was a SB powered Dart that started out green, like the one I have. Mike is poered by 383, not sure what it was originally, last time I saw them they were both yellow, but that was many years ago. When will me Dart be going? I dont know. As far as street car goes, real soon. Thought about being ready for Vernon, but not enough time off from work for that, besides it is too hot this time of year. Look for me around the end of Sept. Still waiting for tittle for the Camaro. Dont want to do anything till I get it in my hands. I was checking to see if any of the Ford boys could read  ;D when I made that remark about the Ford engine, lol.  ;)

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/30/06 at 19:22:51
I remember them when they were both yellow also.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by streetisez on 07/30/06 at 22:10:16
1 of the cars was red when thay got it . it was parked at tamarack apt in the 80's. it use to race at ardmore. what ford boys have you asked ther is only 2 that i know of :)

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/30/06 at 23:06:29
Hey Floyd     Fords are great for haulin' Chevy race cars!  You know I've seen ford cars with chevy engines but no chevy cars with ford engines! In all reality there was a guy over at Frederick that won alot of races with a blue oval! What about the Fairlane? Goin' to the track this year?    Monte

Title: Re: A poll
Post by streetisez on 07/31/06 at 18:08:34
when i get through with bobby's car im going to get the fairlane and get it runing . it should be pretty fast. for a ford . yow you chevy guys would never make it to the track if you didnt have a ford :-/

Title: Re: A poll
Post by olcoe on 07/31/06 at 18:16:31
Monte,   I cant believe youd give a ford that much credit. you wont find no ford in front of my chevy maybe a few following.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by olcoe on 07/31/06 at 18:34:49
Floyd, I have a 235 6cyl. probally make the old rancho a little faster. need my number?he he

Title: Re: A poll
Post by streetisez on 07/31/06 at 21:06:23
if it will make the ranchero faster you better keep it for the 55 :)

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/31/06 at 22:32:27
now THAT is funny   ;D


Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 07/31/06 at 22:46:13
8-)I said ford boys, I knew there were more than one. When it comes to Buicks, I think there is only one.  As for me, I have chevy parts and some mopar parts. I have had a fast buick before also. Anything can be made fast, air and fuel dont care what name is on the valve covers. I never saw Mikes dart before it was yellow, I know Marks was green, he has had it since the 70's.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/31/06 at 22:56:08
Well, I believe in giving credit where credit is due! Ford has been in busines for along time so they must be good for something. Seems like Fred Sanford's junk hauler was a Ford!  Um I can't think of anymore. Can anybody else?  I heard Jerry was in town. Has anybody seen him? I sure miss when he would have a "garage sale".  I agree with Downs- he was good for keepin' the pot stirred. That kept the street scene alive. I also heard he was lookin' to buy a car while he was here.  Tell me olcoe when will we get to see the 55 with the fords chasin' it again?  Monte

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Bowties4me on 07/31/06 at 23:05:51
As a matter of fact the Dart that Mark has was Michael's first. i can remember that car from along time ago and Gitdowns is right is was green. Like Gitdowns I don't have a clue about the color of the other. Seems like Mark ended up with the green one when Michael started building the Camaro.  Monte

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 07/31/06 at 23:12:02
I knew he was here, saw the motor in town Sat before i had to leave. Wish he wanted SB parts, sure be nice get rid of some. I heard the town was going to loose an orange car. But that was just a rumor. By the way, things have taken a different route for me. That Alice Cooper song, No More Mister Nice Guy keeps playing in my head,,,,,,,,,,,,,hmm.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by olcoe on 07/31/06 at 23:15:27
shouldnt be much longer,the lake is about dry so its about time to wash off the dust and go racing. better yet I think Ill let the dust blow off on a ford.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 07/31/06 at 23:25:49
I wish I was ready myself!!!!

Mony, rob and I are making a run down to Graham tomorrow to take bill my axles and a few other parts.

He just finished the rail he was working on and mine will "Hopefully" go together quickly.

He has been working on it but sharing time with the rail. The rearend is together and the frame is mostly together. I will take pics tomorrow if anyone cares to see them.


Now to find a painter!

Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 08/01/06 at 00:13:53
YAHHHH I'm the 70 th post on this topic

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 08/01/06 at 06:03:06
Thats good Rob, now if you would have had something to say. Personally, I would have rather been the 69th post. Olcoe, blow the dust off the chivy on fords, when you do, watch out for for Buicks.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by A442DUDE on 08/01/06 at 07:50:06

Title: Re: A poll
Post by A442DUDE on 08/01/06 at 07:50:51

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 08/01/06 at 09:33:12
One of my legends.......

Steve's old 442

For more pictures see the thread named "Steve's old 442"


1_001.JPG (Attachment deleted)

Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 08/01/06 at 10:57:29
DON OBREIGHTERS remember the last one he kept forever. The white one that he painted in his front yard, I saw it in a salvage yard a couple of years back and it still looked good.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by streetisez on 08/01/06 at 12:18:35
brian i never made fun of your car and never will. i seen your car run and it is fast . but i would not go to the lawton drag strip on friday night because ther are a few fords ther that might dust it off for you :)

Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 08/01/06 at 12:25:04
hey Brian I thought you where trying to out run Buicks? ;D

Title: Re: A poll
Post by olcoe on 08/01/06 at 18:10:32
Rob I never had a problem racing a buick. but it sounds like gitdowns thinks he can outrun me with the roadmaster.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by olcoe on 08/01/06 at 18:19:55
Floyd  I wasnt dogging the rancho just giving you a hard time about fords. You have a nice good running car,give you credit all the bad luck you had with engines you never give up.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by streetisez on 08/01/06 at 19:47:48
i know you was giving me a hard time . wish ther were more ford guys to help me out. :) i guess i need to find another sight . that does not start with chevy  :-/ i thought this was a ford sight my mistake lol

Title: Re: A poll
Post by streetisez on 08/01/06 at 20:00:37
ford chevy who cares . it is like chris said it does not mater how fast your car is there is always going to be  one faster. so never write a check your car cant  cash         but it maters to us how fast our cars are. ;D

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 08/01/06 at 22:01:20
I was refering to you getting chalked up by the orange buick, hope you dont have to run up against him again. I watched th video of the buick, I thought the view of his tail lights was something you had seen. The roadmaster is my daily transportation, what do you drive to work, maybe we could them against each other. 442, who else besides you and jimmy hall had olds back then?

Title: Re: A poll
Post by A442DUDE on 08/02/06 at 07:36:15

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Gitdowns on 08/02/06 at 08:19:39
The car I was thinking about was brown or dark primmer, think he was af, he hung out at the circle track also.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by A442DUDE on 08/02/06 at 08:37:44

Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 08/02/06 at 21:54:28
Wasnt he crossed eyed? if that's him I think his name was Brian?

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 08/02/06 at 22:02:22
I think it was brian.

Didn't he have a job washing planes. He was a pretty nice guy if I remember..


Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 08/02/06 at 22:08:58
yes he did
he had Bill Hubbard sandblast one I think.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 08/02/06 at 23:01:19

streetisez wrote on 08/01/06 at 19:47:48:
i know you was giving me a hard time . wish ther were more ford guys to help me out. :) i guess i need to find another sight . that does not start with chevy  :-/ i thought this was a ford sight my mistake lol

Hey Floyd I think its cheating be having your wife sign up so you will have some help, but none the less I'd like to be the 1st to welcome our 1st female member of chevy speed  Hi Cindy

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 08/02/06 at 23:12:10
She is going to be posting a lot of track information and how the Altus guys do every weekend.

Hopefully she will be getting lots of pictures also.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by robzridez on 08/02/06 at 23:58:00

Title: Re: A poll
Post by toyjunk on 08/03/06 at 11:14:28
Hey that was brian rhoar? that old car was pretty quick for a tow truck, remember him pulling his circle track car to the track every weekend with it.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 08/03/06 at 11:20:28
NOW I DO!    

I think I had blocked that out.


Title: Re: A poll
Post by A442DUDE on 08/03/06 at 13:18:01

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Jims78 on 08/03/06 at 16:13:08
Well....I'm older now but when I was in Altus and starting out there was the blue 4 door chevelle that hung out over at Jerry's, Don's yellow monte, that young kid (can't think of his name but he and his Dad had a body shop our of their garage and were into Mopars) with the black short bed dodge pickup and then later he had a 73 or so roadrunner....chris's nova of course, and a few oldsmobile of which I might have owned one or two, a 66 chevelle, Luke's pickups, damn near anything the Butch or Jimmy Wright owned, and Greg Walker's primerd pickup.....loved that truck, but I liked it more when it was in primer....seemed to hit a lot of things after it got painted....
By the way the guy from Lawton was named Stacey....last time I was over there (about 4 years ago) I saw his 72 Chevy pickup out in front of his old house....I didn't stop but I should have.....
I'll get back to Altus next summer.....I try to take a pass down cowlot for old time sake...

I don't think my 70 was fast...she just ran good for what it was....cannon fodder when compared to today's rides.

Title: Re: A poll
Post by A442DUDE on 08/03/06 at 17:26:37

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Jims78 on 08/03/06 at 17:28:51
For as little money that were in those cars they did hold there own.....I sure enjoyed beating Wright's green Nova....especially when he turned down buying my olds.....good times....

Title: Re: A poll
Post by Chris Smith on 08/03/06 at 18:45:19
Very good Times!


Title: Re: A poll
Post by superfast on 08/09/06 at 01:23:25

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