Okay class payattention we are going to go through this yet agaibn this is about "legendary cars of Altus"
To start with "of Altus" means the owner of the car lived in Altus "meaning the car was in Altus" or it could be the the car was driven in Altus. No where does it say anything about racing "on or off the track". I think we have the Altus part covered.
Now lets dicuss legendary
leg·en·dar·y (lĕj'ən-dĕr'ē)
Of, constituting, based on, or of the nature of a legend.see also legend
Celebrated in legend.
Extremely well known; famous or renowned.
leg·end (lĕj'ənd)
An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.
A body or collection of such stories.
A romanticized or popularized myth of modern times.
One that inspires legends or achieves legendary fame.
An inscription or a title on an object, such as a coin.
An explanatory caption accompanying an illustration.
An explanatory table or list of the symbols appearing on a map or chart.
No ALL I was trying to do here is find out what cars (OF SEVERAL YEARS BACK) are still talked about or known about by the kids in or fresh out of high school In other words lets here what Micheal and Login have to say. I'm the same age as most of you guys I remember most of the cars. Floyd,Sammy,Montes cars are fast they are all nice but go talk about them in a different topic they have no bussiness in this topic as they have only been around 5years and that goes for my car to. This topic is not to agrue about racing it is to reminisce of the old cars. If this post makes anybody mad TOUGH. If you are mad in this topic you are banned from it(this topic) go be mad in another topic
And to prove its all about fun what about that real nice 66 mustang that supposedly back in to the automechanics biulding at the high school and Gary Paugh had to cut apart two mustangs to rebiuld it. How about that for a legand>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>